I feel so fortunate to have been able to travel to Budapest, Paris, CT and New York this year with little guy in-tow! (I still can't believe he turned FOUR yesterday!) Both trips were amazing for different reasons, and I am quite proud of myself for actually being able to pick out a few favorite shots to post. That doesn't happen too often, hence the absence of photos on this blog that is supposed to be about....well, photos...See the issue is when it comes to my personal family pics I am; a. indecisive b. a procrastinator c. a perfectionist. So there you have it. Luckily my clients don't have to deal with these little issues, thank goodness.
Except with the perfectionist part, but that is a good thing - I think. I also feel fortunate to be a part of the MKI team ( Mending Kids International) and will be posting updates on our Portraits With a Purpose fundraisers. I hope you're all getting cozy with your families for the holidays. Cheers, Anita
Central Park Zoo, New York