The last two months we have been busy baking, wrapping, shipping, shooting, downloading, editing and all that good stuff. And jumping around.....a lot although my job is to do the catching most of the time, as Luke jumps off of something probably too high and dangerous. Oh yeah, and Luke turned 2! I really can't believe how fast these little creatures grow. I have to tell you that although I have weekly pics documenting his growth, changes, messy faces, etc. I really wish I would have been more disciplined to write with the pics, more personal blogging to remember all the little quirky funny things he says now on a daily basis. I am happy that I documented with photos like crazy. I will go back and post a ton of catch up pics (especially for family) if I don't let my perfectionism get in the way. Just kidding, sort of...:)
Here is my little dude being curious about mommy's ancient medium format camera. Even though this pic is a little grainy I really do love it because it is something I stumbled upon, Luke sitting in our living room quiet and concentrating, which does not happen very often. Notice the one shoe, and the oh-so-clean toes.

more pumpkin muffins please!

I finished the Core studio promos, and now we are ready to go with private sessions, kids head shots and drum roll....PHOTO PARTIES! I had quite a few phone calls asking if or when I will be offering group sessions again and I decided to do something a little different this year. I will announce details as soon as I have everything together. I will probably only do 1 or 2 per month, so please let me know asap if you are interested.
I am also working on a few creative projects, and will be opening an ETSY store soon.
I have to share an inspiring quote that I read in my current favorite book "The Creative Family" by Amanda Blake Soule,
I highly recommend this book to anyone with children, especially for creative moms. Something to think about for 2009.
If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
-Thomas Edison